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The Top 10 Worst Doctors Of All Time......

 10. Dr. Steven Kirshner  – applied a temporary tattoo to his patient while she was anesthetized instead of performing the surgery.

 9. Dr. Vincent Bettschart  – watched a World Cup match during operation and got drunk while performing a delicate surgery The surgeon got further into the spirit of the match by turning up the volume full blast, thus filling the room with the sound of vuvuzelas and cheering instead of surgery...

 8. Dr. Robert Ricketson  – inserted a screwdriver into his patient's back intentionally instead of titanium. later titnium rod was found in his apon pocket, that patient had to undergo 4 other delicate surgery to remove screwdriver.

 7. Dr. Spiro B. Antoniadis  – left a sponge in his patient's spine, it was discovered after 17 days. he accepted and said "i was experimenting'

 6. Dr. Red Alinsod  – branded his patient's uterus

 5. Dr. Cecil Jacobson  – used his own sperm to impregnate several patients. used his own sperm to impregnate his patients, without informing them. (father).He was the same doctor who in the 1960s claimed to have successfully engineered the impregnation of a male baboon.

 4. Dr. James Burt  – performed 'love surgery' without telling his patients and deformed most of them.He said at one point that he could change women from "a scared, reluctant little house mouse" to "a horny little house mouse."

 3. Dr. Earl Bradley  – abused 103 patients and kept videos of all of them

 2. Connell Watkins & Julie Ponder  – suffocated to death a 10-year-old while performing rebirthing therapy intentionally.

 1. Dr. Walter Freeman  – performed nearly 3,000 lobotomies.
, Walter Freeman ushered in one of the darkest periods in psychiatry's history by touting the "ice pick" lobotomy – where a sharp instrument is inserted through the eye socket to destroy the frontal lobes


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