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I’ve compiled 20 of the most extraordinary cases from the world of medicine. Some of these stories may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but every one is true..

The girl who doesn’t age  Brooke GREENBERG is 30 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds. She looks like a toddler and has the mind of a toddler(a child who has just learn to walk)—but she is actually 16 years old.
Her hair and nails are the only parts of her body that have grown since she was 4.....

The girl who feels no painAs much as it hurts, pain teaches us important lessons (not to touch a hot stove, for example). People with a rare genetic disorder known as heriditary sensory autonomic neuropathy type V feel no pain, however, and may never learn those lessons.
Eight-year-old  GABBY GINGRAS constantly and unwittingly injures herself, sometimes seriously. She has knocked out all but one of her adult teeth  she scratched herself blind in her left eye... BUT SHE NEVER FEELS PAIN.....

Tree manThe arms, legs, and face of Indonesian Dede Kosawa are covered in bark-like warts, which have made him internationally famous and earned him the nickname TREE MAN . Doctors believe the growths are caused by a type of human papilloma virus (HPV) that has been exacerbated by a genetic immune defect.

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