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The woman with giant legsDoctors knew something was wrong with MANDY SELLARS since she was born.The 34-year-old’s legs and feet were abnormally large at birth, and they have continued to grow at an alarming rate. Today, her legs alone weigh 210 pounds.
Experts have not been able to diagnose her problem, although some of the doctors she has consulted believe she suffers from tremely rare condition that causes deformities, including partial gigantism, which may have afflicted the Elephant Man,known as PROTEUS SYNDROME...

A prisoner in her own body patients feeling like prisoners in their own bodies. Severe muscle spasms lead to the locking of the muscles, leaving patients paralyzed sometimes for hours on end, and in excruciating pain. condition also known as stiff person syndrome...

Kristie Tunick’s symptoms are so debilitating that the 32-year-old often has difficulty leaving bed. Tunick has undergone multiple tests and surgeries to try to improve her condition


Awake after a 19-year coma
Polish railroad worker  woke up from a coma after an astounding 19 years. Grzebski slipped into a coma in 1988 after being hit by a train. Doctors expected him to live for two or three years.

His wife stayed by his side, moving him to prevent bedsores and praying for his recovery. When he awoke in 2007, he was surprised to find that the Communist party had fallen and that people were talking on cell phones.


I’ve compiled 20 of the most extraordinary cases from the world of medicine. Some of these stories may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but every one is true..

The girl who doesn’t age  Brooke GREENBERG is 30 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds. She looks like a toddler and has the mind of a toddler(a child who has just learn to walk)—but she is actually 16 years old.
Her hair and nails are the only parts of her body that have grown since she was 4.....

The girl who feels no painAs much as it hurts, pain teaches us important lessons (not to touch a hot stove, for example). People with a rare genetic disorder known as heriditary sensory autonomic neuropathy type V feel no pain, however, and may never learn those lessons.
Eight-year-old  GABBY GINGRAS constantly and unwittingly injures herself, sometimes seriously. She has knocked out all but one of her adult teeth  she scratched herself blind in her left eye... BUT SHE NEVER FEELS PAIN.....

Tree manThe arms, legs, and face of Indonesian Dede Kosawa are covered in bark-like warts, which have made him internationally famous and earned him the nickname TREE MAN . Doctors believe the growths are caused by a type of human papilloma virus (HPV) that has been exacerbated by a genetic immune defect.

The Top 10 Worst Doctors Of All Time......

 10. Dr. Steven Kirshner  – applied a temporary tattoo to his patient while she was anesthetized instead of performing the surgery.

 9. Dr. Vincent Bettschart  – watched a World Cup match during operation and got drunk while performing a delicate surgery The surgeon got further into the spirit of the match by turning up the volume full blast, thus filling the room with the sound of vuvuzelas and cheering instead of surgery...

 8. Dr. Robert Ricketson  – inserted a screwdriver into his patient's back intentionally instead of titanium. later titnium rod was found in his apon pocket, that patient had to undergo 4 other delicate surgery to remove screwdriver.

 7. Dr. Spiro B. Antoniadis  – left a sponge in his patient's spine, it was discovered after 17 days. he accepted and said "i was experimenting'

 6. Dr. Red Alinsod  – branded his patient's uterus

 5. Dr. Cecil Jacobson  – used his own sperm to impregnate several patients. used his own sperm to impregnate his patients, without informing them. (father).He was the same doctor who in the 1960s claimed to have successfully engineered the impregnation of a male baboon.

 4. Dr. James Burt  – performed 'love surgery' without telling his patients and deformed most of them.He said at one point that he could change women from "a scared, reluctant little house mouse" to "a horny little house mouse."

 3. Dr. Earl Bradley  – abused 103 patients and kept videos of all of them

 2. Connell Watkins & Julie Ponder  – suffocated to death a 10-year-old while performing rebirthing therapy intentionally.

 1. Dr. Walter Freeman  – performed nearly 3,000 lobotomies.
, Walter Freeman ushered in one of the darkest periods in psychiatry's history by touting the "ice pick" lobotomy – where a sharp instrument is inserted through the eye socket to destroy the frontal lobes



If you are a medical student and you have a fear a having a disease and you develop a tendency to believe that you are suffering from that disease you are learning in a medical school then you are suffering from MEDICAL STUDENT'S DISEASE or HYPOCHONDRIASIS.
it is psychological disorder frequently reported in a medical student. this is generally associated with fear of  having a disease in question.While Medical students are learning medicine they read lists of symptoms for different diseases daily. Although they are completely healthy, they feel that they are suffering from the symptoms of specific diseases and they have it.
Some authors suggested that the condition must be referred to as nosophobia rather than "hypochondriasis", because the quoted studies show a very low percentage of hypochondriacal character of the condition, and hence the term "hypochondriasis" would have ominous therapeutic and prognostic indications. The reference suggests that the condition is associated with immediate preoccupation with the symptoms in question, leading the student to become unduly aware of various casual psychological and physiological dysfunctions; cases show little correlation with the severity of psychopathology, but rather with accidental factors related to learning and experience
mentioned two studies, one concluding that about 70% of medical students have groundless medical fears during their studies, and one which found that 78.8% of a randomly chosen sample of medical students showed a history of "medical student disease."
1.while studying haemotology- i was feeling weak fatique loss of appitite..... i thought i had anemias.
2.acute headach i thought i had a migraine- during neuro lectures..
3.shortness of breath, less vital capacity i thought i had an emphysema
and countless many other...... almost every single disease i study....
share yours.......

Anonymous said...
lol. i am one of them. now i'm studying CNS module and when i have headache i starts to think about all those increase intracranial pressure symptoms. haha..
Anonymous said...
I am in the last year of med school. I don't usually think that i am sick but when someone of my close relatives and friends comes to me with a symptom i always think of the worst. Once my dad had the flu and his voice was kinda hoarse and i was thinking of lung cancer that could affect the laryngeal

Anonymous said...
i'm a medical student
5th year
i have a bad mood and depression
what's the solution?

I'm a 4th yr medical student,,, and I always feel that every single disease I read about or see in hospitals will affect me :s I dunno y I started feeling that the future is soo dark after I started my medical schooooool ,,, ewww that really sucks
Khaled Selim said...
of course I used to think that way too
but not to the limit that push me going to clinic or doing labs !!!
Anonymous said...
i had it even before when i was a med student
Anonymous said...
6th and last year of medicine... Luckily never had it...:)

Anonymous said...
in the 2rd year of my medical study
after helminiths lesson. i thought i had enterobius vermicularis and i applied for diagnosis.

Anonymous said...
m a 3rd
Anonymous said...
medical student sometime hane psycosomatic illnes syndrome

Anonymous said...
actually i dont compare with myself rather with my friends....hehe

CrisBD said...
specially noticeable in the psyquiatric classes

Anonymous said...
OMG I'm lerning neurology now... that's a real nightmare :/

Anonymous said...
yeh its tru every medical pass tru this but usually interpret it a tru disosder therefore evey medical personnel shld be psychiayrically stable otherwiz it creats so many serious problm.

Anonymous said...
fuck medicine
Anonymous said...
me to when i was medical student....
since 3 yrs ago,when i finished medicine,i threw away those bad sensations...i am freeee....:)))

to do list...nothing

लेखौ भने त धेरै कुरा मनमा आको जस्तो लाग्छ तर लेख्न भने खोइ केइ आउदैन। अझ यो बिदाको बेला ,दोस्रो बर्षको एक्जाम सकाएर बसेको यो लामो बिदा। लामो थियो तर अब केही दिन या केही साता पछी कलेज खुल्ने छ। फर्स्ट येअर र सेकेन्ड येअरको ब्येसिक साईन्स सकायेर अब क्लिनिकल साईन्स सुरु हुने बेला सोच्दा रमाइलो लाग्छ क्लिनिकल पोस्टिङ् अनी क्लास। आज बिहाना उठेर पहिलो पटक ऐना हेर्न पुगेछु दारी बढेर लामो भैसकेछ कपाल जिङ्रिङ लामो नमीलेको मेरो हालको अवस्था जस्तो।।। केइ काम नभाको जस्तो। अनी केइ नसोची अनुहार पखले अनुहार संगै मेरो कथुता पनि पखाल्ने प्रयास गरे। येति लामो बिदा येतिकै सकिन लाग्यो क को सकिन लाग्यो सकिसक्यो। सधैं जस्तोको अल्चिपन र अनुशासनहिन्ताले मलाई यो पाली पनि छोरेन। बिदा हुनु भनदा अघी यो गरौला त्यो गरौला तर लास्टमा उस्तै। येत्रो बिदामा मैले किताब पल्टाईन अझ मेडिकल समबन्धी त छुदा पनि छोईन। केइ त सिक्नु पार्ने केइ त पढ्नु पर्ने थियो। ल केइ गरिन रे ठिकै छ तर मलाई पिर त अर्कै कुरामा पो पर्यो, मेरो आँखा र मन किताब बाट भागी सके जस्तो पो लाग्यो। म पुरै असफल भएको महसुस गरे। ल लास्टमा तेही हो लामो लिस्ट वनयो अनी तेस्तै तेस्तै। जे भए नी अब बाल मत्लब।।।

             i was totally disconnected......